Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bringing Color to a World Forced Into Blandness by Rapce Mercado

FREEDOM! The University of the Philippines Diliman has just recently celebrated Pride Week, showcasing the many organizations that add to the rich cultural history of the University. One of the more notable, and we absolutely do mean notable, organizations that was presented during Pride Week was UP Babaylan, the University’s very own lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students’ support group.
            UP Babaylan’s current head or the “Punong Babaylan” as the members of the LGBT group would prefer to call it, is Rod “Talla Heeb” Singh, a student of UP Diliman, currently taking up BA film, who, along with every member of the LGBT group, is ready to fight with every fiber of his being to bring equality to the “colorful” members of society oppressed by the uninformed world.
            So what’s more to UP Babaylan than making noise for the voiceless captives of sexual conformity?
            The University’s very own LGBT movement began due to a violent assault on a gay resident in an all – boy’s residence in UP’s Narra Hall. The incident alarmed the University’s students’ need for an organization that will advance the rights and protect the welfare of the University’s LGBT students
            Since then UP Babaylan has been spear – heading movements advancing gay and lesbian rights both locally and internationally. One of the local movements, which had just been witnessed recently is the Gay Pride Parade held in the University of the Philippines Diliman campus, where members of the LGBT group paced freely through of the ACAD Oval expressing their freedom, their honest selves, as members of a loud, proud, caring and concerned LGBT Community.
            The group’s heart and motive is presented in these words coming from the group: The group strongly believes in the inherent equality of all persons regardless of status or condition. For the organization, this inherent equality implies that human beings should not be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation.
            For it has simply been history that the whole LGBT community, found in almost every part of the world, has long been looked down upon, persecuted, and outright assaulted for their expressiveness in the life they themselves have chosen to live. For in the view of the uninformed, it is equality that everyone conform to a standard set by the majority, a group of people enforcing what they “think” is right, enforcing their own idea of what is truly “equal” without even knowing the consequences of the very words they say against the members of this community.
            An example of these group are some, not all, of the “Christians” that , as people, sadly, often see, are very far from the Christ they follow, I say this in the sense that they openly condemn and persecute the same exact people that Christ himself had died for.
What benefit will come from condemning them? What good will come from the bias judgment and persecution of a people that just want to live in freedom the lives they were given? The answer is obvious. Christ called his people to love, to accept, to have care, compassion and concern for every person, be it the rich or the poor, the nun or the prostitute, the saint or the sinner, these people all have one need: and that is LOVE.
            What kind of equality is this that involves that harm towards a fellow human being? This is not equality at all.
            Equality is not conforming to one standard, making all of us bland and boring. Equality is giving the very best of who you are, what you have, to compliment the lives of others yielding an output beneficial to all humankind.
Equality means no one gets tramples or taken advantage of; everyone is lifted and given an equal opportunity. Whoever said or thought that homosexuality would get in the way and hinder that? And that’s what these brave souls are laying down their lives for, that their fellow LGBT’s may be freed from a life of unnecessary condemnation and sexual captivity.
The group is more than just about making noise to get the voiceless captives of gender conformity noticed. Let’s face it, people have done that before, and that’s the only thing they’ve done, nothing more and nothing less, and where did this act, this cursed act of the uneducated leave them, nowhere but in a situation worse than they had before.
This group spoke out, and did something to enforce the rights that they have as human beings, there is no hypocrisy in what they do dear friends. These people truly are the real deal, people that are loud, proud, and fighting with everything they’ve got to uphold the dignity of their fellow queer man/woman.
Breaking the silence, going beyond every boundary with a passion burning in their hearts to fight for the rights of the common queer man and woman: UP Babaylan, not yet, not even close to backing down.
            A salute to the brave men and women fighting for the cause of a community held in captivity.

Sources: http://www.upbabaylan.blogspot.com/

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